Emergency Responses Around the World


Since February 2022, there has been widespread death, displacement, and suffering throughout the country. There have been over 10,000 civilian casualties and more than 18,000 injured, though numbers are likely higher than reported. More than 7.5 million people have fled the country and another 7 million are internally displaced. HPIC has delivered over $30 million worth of medicines to Ukraine with more on the way. We are still actively fundraising to continue to mobilize medicines in Ukraine. The country and its people will continue to need support for years to come. 

Sudan & Central African Republic 

More than 4 million people have been displaced as a result of the crisis in Sudan. Millions are internally displaced and millions more are fleeing to neighbouring countries to seek refuge from the fighting. Central African Republic is one of the neighbouring countries that is accepting refugees, despite the shortages the country is already facing. Due to the conflict, most of the health facilities in the region are no longer operational. It is estimated that 11 million people are in desperate need of healthcare, including at least 4 million malnourished children and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers. HPIC is working with local partners with the hope to address immediate medical needs for people who are suffering. We will continue to restore health and give hope to people in Sudan and Central African Republic. 


The conflict in Iraq is one of the largest ongoing humanitarian crises around the world. 1.2 million people are internally displaced. Since the crisis began in 2003, the health system in Iraq has faced significant challenges, including supply shortages, weakened infrastructure, limited access to health facilities, and low numbers of healthcare workers. This year, HPIC sent 100 Humanitarian Medical Kits (HMKs) to support refugees and displaced people in Iraq and another 80 kits will be shipped over the next 6 months. Each of our HMKs has an average value of $6,000 and provide over 600 treatments. 


HPIC began working In Ecuador after a severe earthquake took place in 2016. This year, Ecuador faced a series of devastating natural disasters including floods, mudslides, and another massive earthquake. These disasters resulted in a major loss of lives, livelihoods and infrastructure in several regions. This year, HPIC has mobilized over $900,000 of medicines to areas of urgent need and we continue working to send even more medicines to Ecuador in the coming weeks. 


Working with our partners to safeguard the well-being and rights of women and girls
Supporting the health of premature babies by equipping two hospitals in Lebanon with essential medicines and supplies for neonates.
Working with grassroots partners to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in some of the underserved communities of Kenya.
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